About me
I trained under the guidance of Joanna Czarna, Tracy Evans, Sati Shepherd and Michael Kern. I’m a graduate of a two-year course of studies in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy at the European Centre of Therapy. I’m a member of the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust. I have been treating patients snice 2020, helping them with pain management and stress, strengthening their resources and regain their health.
I am a certified teacher of Iyengar yoga. In 2019, together with Anna Planda I established the Poruszenie School of Yoga. I have always been actively involved in body and movement work. I have practised Capoeira, running, and studied dance and circus techniques. I was born in Australia, brought up in Eastern Poland. I have lived a nomad’s life since childhood and learnt to be with people independent of their ethnic roots or social status. I was a co-producer of Wroclaw’s Brave Festival and Brave Kids for 10 years.
I visited a Craniosacral therapist for the first time with my children, and experienced it’s effectiveness. Over the next years I myself regularly underwent it’s therapeutic procedures. I had never earlier experienced such profound calmness, grounding and access to my creative potential.
The method is very subtle, yet extremely effective in working with trauma as well as chronic stress, sleeping disorders, or birthing patterns.